We’re currently planning our 2024 calendar.

Please keep checking this page to see what kind of awesomeness will be heading your way this year!

Since its establishment in 1997, Central Coast Pride has been celebrating and empowering our local LGBTQ+ community. This year is no different, as our selection of events expands to fit as many needs and niches as possible.

Central Coast Pride

Welcome to

What’s Coming Up?

Throughout the month of May, we offered a wide swath of opportunities to show your colors -- from educational events and opportunities for advocacy, to fabulous performances and special events from local groups and businesses.

Then June 2nd-4th, our the three-day Pride Month Celebration was held at the Fremont Theater, Laguna Lake Park, and for the first time in years, back downtown at Mission Plaza. The crowds were amazing; the energy was Electric; Both the Strength and the Love of the LGBTQ+ community and it’s allies was empowering and comforting. Keep checking in with this space for other events throughout June, and Happy Pride!

Our Values

Authentic Boldness

We are unique, brave, innovative, creative, courageous and beautiful. We each have a strong sense of purpose, an array of talents, and passion for creating a better world. We are a resilient people who are authentic and unafraid to boldly and rightfully exist.

Community Empowerment

We value the socially transformative impact of our collective efforts and talents. By working together, fostering open communication, furthering understanding, and building caring and supportive environments, we empower the entire community with the power of our PRIDE.

Intersectional Justice

We believe that the diversity of our community is one of its greatest strengths, yet deep disparities exist –especially for those who sit at the intersection of marginalized identities. We believe we cannot fight one form of oppression without fighting all forms of oppression. We are committed to expanding access, equity, and inclusion in sustainable ways.